Cup Catastrophe! Does Your Period Cup Secretly Stink Up Your Life?

Cup Catastrophe! Does Your Period Cup Secretly Stink Up Your Life?

Don't let odor ruin your period peace! Learn why cups might smell and what you can do to ensure a confident, comfortable cycle.


4 min read

Menstrual cups are a game-changer: eco-friendly, reusable, period freedom at your fingertips! But wait, a common fear lurks - the dreaded "cup stench." Hold on, don't ditch your cup just yet! Let's face the facts (and smells) about menstrual cup odor head-on.

Why Do Menstrual Cups Develop Odors?

Menstrual cups are designed to be a safe and hygienic alternative to other period products. However, they can sometimes develop an unpleasant odor. The primary reason for this is the biological interaction between menstrual fluid and the bacteria that are part of the vaginal microbiome. Menstrual fluid is rich in proteins and nutrients, which can promote bacterial growth when the cup is worn for extended periods. This process is natural, but when menstrual blood is exposed to air, as it is when a cup is removed, it can start to decompose. This decomposition can produce a range of odors, often described as fishy, sour, or metallic, which are noticeable when the cup is emptied.

Another factor contributing to menstrual cup odors is improper cleaning. If a menstrual cup is not cleaned thoroughly, residual blood can remain on the cup, especially in the air holes and ridges. Over time, this can lead to a buildup of organic material, which can produce a smell. Additionally, using the wrong cleaning products, such as those with fragrances or harsh chemicals, can also affect the cup’s smell by disrupting the vaginal pH balance.

Preventing Menstrual Cup Smells

Prevention is key when it comes to menstrual cup odors. Here are some tips to keep your cup smelling fresh:

  • Rinse with Cold Water: Always rinse your cup with cold water first. Hot water can cause odors and stains to set in.

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean your cup thoroughly between uses. Use mild soap and water, and make sure to clean the air holes and ridges where blood can accumulate.

  • Proper Storage: Store your cup in a breathable container between periods. A damp, enclosed space can promote bacterial growth and odor.

  • Timely Removal: Don’t wear your cup for longer than recommended. Most cups are safe to wear for up to 12 hours, but removing and emptying it every 4 to 8 hours can help prevent odors.

Eliminating Existing Odors

If your menstrual cup already has an odor, don’t worry—there are ways to get rid of it:

  • Deep Cleaning: Soak your cup in a mixture of warm water and white vinegar or use a cup-specific cleaning agent.

  • Sun Exposure: Place your cup in direct sunlight for a few hours. The sun’s UV rays can help eliminate odors and stains.

  • Boiling: Boil your cup for 5-10 minutes to sanitize it. This can help remove stubborn odors.

Banishing Stains from Your Menstrual Cup

Stains on a menstrual cup can be stubborn, but they don’t have to be permanent. To restore your cup’s cleanliness, start by soaking it in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (in equal parts) for a few hours, or even overnight. This solution can help lift stains without damaging the silicone. For a more natural approach, create a paste with baking soda and a little water, then gently scrub the stained areas.

Baking soda is a gentle yet effective abrasive that can help remove discoloration. After treating the stains, rinse your cup thoroughly with water and allow it to air dry. Regularly exposing your cup to sunlight after cleaning can also help prevent stains from setting in, as the sun’s UV rays have natural bleaching properties. With these simple steps, your menstrual cup will look and feel as good as new. Remember, always refer to the manufacturer’s care instructions to ensure you’re using methods that are safe for your specific cup.

Simple Hacks to Keep Your Period Fresh

Maintaining a sense of freshness during your period can be challenging, but with a few simple hacks, it’s entirely achievable. First, prioritize personal hygiene; regular showers and the use of mild, unscented soap can help you feel clean and comfortable.

Opt for breathable, cotton underwear and change them at least once a day to prevent moisture buildup. Consider carrying wet wipes or intimate wipes for a quick refresh during the day, especially when you’re on the go. Stay hydrated to help your body naturally flush out toxins and reduce bloating. Incorporate light exercise into your routine to boost circulation and endorphin levels, which can improve your mood and overall sense of well-being.

Lastly, ensure your menstrual products are changed regularly, and explore options like scented liners or essential oils (applied externally) for an added sense of freshness. These small steps can make a big difference in how fresh you feel throughout your cycle.